5 Strategies for Customer Segmentation in E-Commerce You Might Not Have Thought Of

When you first set up your eCommerce business, did you spend hours pouring over target audience worksheets, building the perfect customer avatar for your company? Maybe you even gave them a name and stuck a picture on your pinboard to help you focus on your customers as you developed products and marketing messaging for your […]

3 Solid Ways To Skyrocket e-Commerce Sales With Facebook & IG Ads

Are you ready to start scaling your brand to 6 figures and beyond with Facebook & Instagram Ads? If you are, then you’re in luck because I’m about to disclose some heavy strategies to help you hit those big revenue numbers. By the end of this post, you’ll understand the core of scaling ads i.e. […]

10 Ways To Increase Average Order Value On e-Commerce Stores

1. Offer a free shipping threshold to increase average order value Ready to increase the ROI on your store with the same amount of effort? One of the best ways to grow your eCommerce store is to get website visitors to spend a lot of money. Even better to get them to spend a lot […]